Il gruppo stoner/heavy Orange Goblin ha annunciato una pausa a tempo indeterminato.
Ebbene sì, i londinesi - nati nel 1995 come Our Haunted Kingdom - compiranno trent'anni di carriera in questo 2025, al termine dei quali si scioglieranno, come spiegato nel comunicato riportato più avanti.
La band onorerà gli impegni dal vivo presi in precedenza, ovverosia porterà a termine tutte le date previste per quest'anno, e solo al termine delle stesse appenderà gli strumenti al chiodo.
Sui propri profili social, il gruppo inglese ha spiegato come le cause della drastica decisione siano da ritrovarsi nella scelta condivisa di dedicare il proprio tempo alle rispettive famiglie, in primis, e ad altri interessi al di fuori del gruppo.
Nel comunicato che segue, viene peraltro specificato che la decisione potrebbe non essere definitiva, e che un giorno gli Orange Goblin potranno ritornare:
“As Orange Goblin enters its 30th year of existence, we have made the collective decision that 2025 will be our last. Maybe not forever and who knows what could be possible further down the line. [...] We feel very fortunate that we have been able to travel all over the world, numerous times, and have made a network of friends all around the globe. We are proud of everything we have accomplished together, we've always maintained a DIY ethic and done things our own way and on our terms. We have never compromised to fit into any specific scene and we feel we leave a very strong legacy of 10 studio albums, each one a milestone that marks exactly where we were at each point of our journey. Of this, we are fiercely proud. It's not been an easy decision for any of us, we have all given 30 years of our lives to this incredible band, but we feel that now is the right time for us to focus our attention on our families and other interests outside the band. We will of course be honouring all the shows and festivals we currently have planned for 2025, as well as a few other things that we have in the pipeline, but these could be your last chance to catch Orange Goblin live! We would like to express our gratitude to every single person that has made this possible for us, there are far too many to name personally, but especially to our wives and children that have supported us no matter what, our former band mates, Martyn and Pete, the current and former road crew that have kept the show on the road for so long, despite us never making things easy for them. But last and by no means least, we thank you, the Orange Goblin fans that have been the bedrock of everything for us. Nothing we have done would've been possible without the fans that have bought the albums, the merchandise, the show tickets and ALWAYS showed us and made us feel just how appreciated we are. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.”