Hi to all of you

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Hi to all of you

Messaggiodi whoopigoldberg il mer set 11, 24 4:13

I'm a bit of an oddity here, speaking only French and English fluently. Although I'm from Mauritius, my love of music is international! I love music in general and rock and metal especially. I'm thrilled to share my passion for music and interact with the community on this forum as the lead singer of the alternative band Skeptikal. I'm excited to read and participate in the postings and conversations that you all share."
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Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: mer set 11, 24 4:08

Re: Hi to all of you

Messaggiodi raven il mer set 11, 24 13:31

:hello: :hello:
Credo seriamente che l'inventore del tanga meriti il nobel alla cul tura.
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Iscritto il: sab giu 18, 05 14:03
Località: Messina


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